This program is designed to incorporate a whole language basis for learning along with developmentally appropriate learning experiences designed for the benefit of your child. Whole language consists of activities related to environmental print, “big books”, whole book experiences, and letter-sound recognition, among others.
Social skills will focus on conflict resolution, interacting appropriately with peers and adults, and following directions. We will be using math curriculum that is consistent with the whole language approach. This curriculum involves activities in school, as well as some home activities, that are relevant to the child’s own world. Learning centers will provide realistic hands on experiences for all subjects. These centers will incorporate themes, as well as various topics developmentally appropriate for the Kindergarten student.
Kindergarten is the foundation for the child’s school life. All activities are designed to foster a realistic positive attitude in children toward themselves and learning. This can be best achieved with parental support of the Kindergarten academic program at home and daily attendance. Communication between parent/student/school is essential to provide this important foundation in your child’s education. Together, this Kindergarten experience can be a successful and positive one.

- Poised, self-confident self-contained
- Sensitive to ridicule*
- Has to be right; persistent
- Has sense of self identity*
- May get silly, high, wild
- Enjoys pointless riddles, jokes
- Enjoys group play, competitive games*
- Aware of rules, defines them for others*
- Chooses own friends; is sociable*
- Gets involved with group decisions*
- Insists on fair play*
- Likes adult companionship*
- Accepts, respects authority*
- Asks permission

- Uses big words and complete sentences
- Can define some words
- Spells out simple words
- Takes turn in conversation
- Has clear ideas and articulates them*
- Uses words to give, receive information
- Insists “I already know that*
- Asks questions to learn answers*
- Makes up songs
- Enjoys dictating stories
- Uses Up To 1500 words
- Tells a familiar story
- Defines simple words
- Answers telephone & takes a message
- Thinks out laud*

- Completely coordinated
- Has adult like pasture
- Has tremendous physical drive
- Likes to use fine-motor skills
- Learns how to tie bow knot
- Has accuracy, skill with simple tools
- Draws a recognizable person*
- Handedness is evident
- Dresses self completely
- Cuts on a line with scissors
- Begins to color within the lines
- Catches ball from 3 feet away
- Skips using alternate feet
- Enjoys jumping, running, doing stunts
- Rides a two-wheeler
- Balances on a balance beam
- Jumps rope, skips
- Runs lightly on toes
- Likes to dance; is graceful, rhythmic
- Sometimes roughhouses

- Curious about everything*
- Wants to know how?” why?*
- Likes to display new knowledge, skills
- Somewhat conscious at ignorance
- Attention span increases noticeably
- Knows tomorrow, yesterday
- Can count 10 objects, rote counts to 20
- Sorts objects by single characteristic*
- Knows name, address, town
- Makes a plan, follows it, centers an task
- Sorts objects by color, shape
- Concepts of smallest, less than, one-half
- May tell time accurately, an the hour
- Knows what a calendar is used for
- Seldom sees things from another’s paint at view
*Key cultural awareness of identity characteristics